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I'd be curious to know how the majority of gamblers will answer this question...

Should we go to WAR with IRAQ?
Is it worth having your child lie on an Iraqi street with a bullet hole in his chest, half his leg ripped off, & one arm gone as others fight around him, nothing for him to do but lay there by himself and die alone?

Simple answer for me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
General: yes. All you've done is state a reality of war.
Ask yourself this, do we want to face off with Saddam in a year or two when he has NUKES and millions of men, women and children could be laying dead in a US city. That's easy take care of him now. Appeasing and ignoring Saddam is not going to work.
And then we await an American as mad as Saddam ever was, ala Timothy in Oklahoma City that will do as much damage as saddam ever could and it will be a domestic terrorist. You think there are not people titled Americans who in a year or 2 will not try to do things that will be as deadly as what any foreign enemy will do? There is no winning here.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
General: you deal with the present and try to prevent the bad stuff in the future. There will always be murderers, but that fact doesn't mean you don't do something about each murder if you can.
I'm getting SOOO TIRED of people saying we are going to WAR like this is WWIII or something.

This is just a little battle that will be over soon and will rid Iraq of a SICK regime.

And maybe money hungry countries like FRANCE may lose some business deals with Suddam when he goes by-by...and that's the only reason France is pushing FALSE PROPAGANDA about the U.S.
Yes, I am wrong and so is the majority of the Security Council who say we are not in the right for attacking this country now.

Big problem in America = Ego, Always right, no reason to look in the Mirror because we got it all figured out.

And we need to ask why others want to kill us.

If there was another country going to invade another country and we didnt agree, I am sure we would like that as well.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The general hit the nail on the head. We need to look in the mirror to see why there is so much hate against Americans.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think it is just as important to do this to give the Iraqi people their freedom. Please don't tell me they like living in that regime! And then when you come back with, well why don't we do that here and there and everywhere, I say Yes we should. I see no reason people shouldn't be given their freedom. North Korea is a perfect place to liberate next. Is it a pandora's box, most definitely, and you know what we are in a position to do it and I believe that human beings are human beings who deserve rights, it doesn't matter that they aren't American.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well, this is just turning into another 'why war / why not war' topic - naturally I don't have a problem with that (lol!), it's just that I think at this point much more discussion either way is pointless - those who have made up their minds will not change them now, those who REALLY haven't probably won't.

To reiterate, though, my answer to your first question, General: YES
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> pointless <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn Shrink, you were reading my mind. I thought about starting this poll also.

Saddam is an evil man and there is no reason why we shouldn't help the Iraqi people if we can. Plus we will be protecting ourselves from taking the chance that Saddam attacks us with his chemical weapons or sells them to someone who will attack us.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Current poll results, as of 5:06pm EST, 3/5:

Should we go to WAR with IRAQ?

Results (47 votes counted so far):

57% YES
34% NO
4% Don't Care

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The real question is......After the war, when we uncover all of his WMD and hear all of the stories about how the Iraqi people were executed by Saddam, will the anti war people care?

My guess is no. They just want something to bitch about and all of this evidence won't mean anything.

Point is, Jazz, you are 100% correct. The anti war people don't believe in war and there is nothing that will change their mind. Saddam could kill all of their relatives and friends and they still wouldn't want to go to war.

Oh well, that's their perogative.


New member
Dec 21, 1999
I am reminded of how so many people coined the phrase "we will NEVER forget" after the 9-11 tradgedie. Never lasted about 17 months.

Not that Iraq was responsible, no evidence either way, but they obviously had some ties with those responsible, and have admitted as much, on those grounds alone we should have already gone in there and done something. Plain and simple.

But is the usaul Political correctness of this time we tried a round about way and used the weapons of mass destruction angle. But that has since blown up in our faces as those nations that have been so quick to come licking our balls when they needed help, and were so quick to send their condolences during the 9-11 dilemna, have now turned their backs on us.

I will admit I haven't lived on the edge of this ike so many, because it is inevitable. Bush was pissed, he still is pissed. But he also doesn't want to alienate himself from the rest of the global community. So he went the tactful route. But irregardless, we will go in there. Whether it be with bombing raids, or the whole high tech assaults tht we all saw on TV last time. Which are probably 100 times more effective today. That so called war lasted about 5 minutes. This one would be no different.

The thing that wold take the time would be setting up a new government and keeping the peace. That is what will take probably years to achieve. That is what Bush and Congress are planning. Especially if Bush doesn't get re- elected. What will some Democrat do? Give it bak? Then all this has been for nothing, and any lives that were lost, and have been lost will be for naught.

That is the singular advantage these countries have over us, they don't change governments evry four or eight year. So their policies are pretty get a stronghold. While ae are always in a flux.

I will close it again by reminding everyone the feelings they had during 9-11. Regardless of the reasons given, those thoughts should be cast upon not only Iraq, but any other country that harbors or condones these type of people.

Threats and innuendo ring hollow unless their is action to back them up. Bush talked tough, and made some good speeches, but unless some action are taken we will not be nothing more than a laughing stock. We already are seen in a less than respected light, because we never do anything. We are like the big kid who everyone makes fun of. HE knows in his heart of hearts he could beat the shit out of everyone, but is so busy trying to be popular and stick up for others he doesn't realize how people are making fun of him, and using him for their own personal gain.

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